3 Great Project Management Tools for your Church

By Katie Allred, ChurchCommunications.com

What is a project management tool and why does your church need one? Whether you’re leading two people or 20, project management tools are great for keeping track of projects and timelines. Churches and businesses use these tools to help keep their staff on task and on time so they can keep up their many projects. Interested in getting one of these great tools? We’ve created a list of three great project management tools that you can use for your church. 



First on the list is Asana. With Asana, remote teams can organize projects, manage shifting priorities, and get work done. The best part? It’s free. Although there is a paid version of the tool, many churches and businesses are able to use the free version for all of their projects. Check out these reviews of Asana.



Next up, Monday.com. Monday.com is the Work OS that powers teams to run processes, projects, and everyday work their way. This great tool is used and trusted by many large companies, including Uber, Adobe, Universal, and Hulu. They offer a 14-day free trial to all users.



Last on the list is Basecamp. Basecamp’s priority as a project management tool is to provide an all-in-one toolkit for working remotely. This tool also focuses on communication. They provide easy-to-use tools within their software to help communication flow clearly when a project is started/finished. Basecamps’s clean and consistent layout is one of its best features. As far as pricing goes, they do offer a 30-day free trial. After that, they have one plan for all for $99/month. Seem a bit pricey? After you begin your free trial, you can email them a copy of your church’s 501(c)(3) paperwork to get a discount for non-profits. 


Whether you have a team of two or a team of 20, project management tools like these can be super useful. With these tools, you can streamline your projects like never before. We hope you’ll give one of these a try. Get ready to see a whole new level of productivity. 


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