Embracing Transformation as We Approach Easter

As we find ourselves — somehow! — four weeks into the Lenten season, a period of introspection, renewal, and preparation, our journey towards Easter is both a collective and deeply personal experience. It’s that time we dive deep and come to grips with what it means to live like we mean it, fueled by the radical teachings of Jesus. (And we do it while praying the copy machine holds out.)

As we approach Easter, a celebration of resurrection and new life, it is essential to consider what 'resurrection' means today. How does the promise of new life inspire us to act in our communities? In a world faced with challenges of war, injustice, environmental crisis, and division, the message of Easter calls us not only to reflect but to act with courage, compassion, and hope — the kind of stubborn hope that refuses to let the darkness have the last word. Lent challenges us to relinquish our hold on the things that separate us from God and our neighbors, encouraging us to embrace vulnerability and openness in our journey of faith.

How has this Lenten trek through the wilderness changed us?

Easter’s coming, people. New life is on the horizon. Let’s make it count. Let’s be the change, embrace the mess, and rise, together. Resurrection is possible, and new life awaits.


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