Communications content from General Convention

The Episcopal Church’s tri-annual General Convention is underway in Louisville, Kentucky. With much to keep track of — including the upcoming election of the next Presiding Bishop on June 26, here are a few items of note for the communicators and administrators among us:

Resolution A130 puts in motion efforts that began at the 80th General Convention in 2022 to create alternatives for “colonialist, racist and white supremacist, imperialist and nationalistic language and content” in hymnal texts. New language for those who are not English speakers is to be expanded as well.

The resolution calls for Church Publishing provide these new texts in a digital collection available across The Episcopal Church…

The committee also recommended adoption, with minor style amendments, of Resolution A131, which calls on the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music to work with Church Publishing Inc. during the next triennium to develop a new hymnal supplement. The last supplement, Voices Found, was issued in 2003.

  • On Communion with the United Methodist Church: The latest draft of Resolution A049 marks the Methodists’ recent votes affirming LGBTQ+ people, while setting out the needed action before The Episcopal Church to vote on full communion (The United Methodist Church voted in April at its General Conference in favor of a full communion agreement with The Episcopal Church).

  • Resolution C008 would reduce diocesan assessments to 10% (from 15%) by 2033. Assessments are the church’s largest revenue source.

For more on the 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church:


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