Building Muscles for Ministry: The Importance of Stretching

by Ashley Graham-Wilcox

Because it’s way more fun, healthy, and practical to set metaphorical workout goals going into the New Year, let’s talk about staying “in shape” for our church communications work. Just as we try to devote time to physical exercise, dedicating 1-2 hours per week to acquiring new skills, learning, and embracing the occasional failure can be the transformative workout routine our professional lives desperately need. Just like lifting weights to build physical muscles, learning and experimenting build the muscles of adaptability and innovation in ministry.

Stretching ourselves involves embracing new trends, learning from failures, and adapting to an ever-changing mission field. That means staying updated on technological advancements (podcasts, newsletters, etc.), understanding the evolving needs of your community (spending time with your audience), and enhancing your leadership skills — in total, allocating time for weekly learning is an investment in your ministry's future.

Just like in any workout routine, failure is a natural part of stretching yourself. You’re not going to run a 6-minute mile your first time out. It's not about avoiding failure but rather about learning from it. Each setback is a stepping stone to growth and improvement.

Encourage your team to join you in this commitment to continuous learning. Create a culture of curiosity and innovation within your non-profit or church, where stretching and growing are not just individual pursuits but collective values. A community of lifelong learners is better equipped to face challenges, embrace change, and make a lasting impact.

Here are some valuable tools to help professionals stretch themselves and build the muscles for ministry:

  • Online Learning Platforms:

    • Coursera: Offers a wide range of courses from universities and organizations around the world.

    • Udemy: Provides affordable online courses on various topics, including leadership, technology, and communication.

    • edX: Similar to Coursera, edX offers courses from universities and institutions globally.

    • Codecademy: Ideal for those looking to learn or improve coding skills, relevant for technology and communication in the modern ministry landscape.

  • Podcasts:

  • Leadership Development & Mentorship Programs:

As non-profit and church professionals, our calling is not stagnant. It's a journey of transformation, adaptation, and growth. Just as a muscle needs consistent stretching to remain strong, our ministries require the intentional effort of stretching ourselves. By dedicating time each week to acquiring new skills, experimenting, and learning from failures, we build the muscles necessary to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our mission field. So, let's embrace the art of stretching ourselves and witness the transformative impact it has on our ministries.

What’s your 2024 plan for stretching yourself at work?


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