Beyond the Tote Bag: Five Swag Ideas for the New Program Year

Finding swag that resonates with a church community can foster a sense of belonging and engagement – and serve as a handy evangelism tool. Here are six pieces of swag that might hit the mark:

1.       Mugs or Travel Cups: A classic favorite, mugs with a spiritual quote, a scripture reference, or the church's logo are likely to be used daily. For those on the go, travel cups are a practical option, spreading the church's message beyond its walls.

2.       Custom Pins or Badges: Pins or badges that showcase a church's values, mission, or identity can be worn proudly. People can pin them on clothing, bags, or hats, displaying their connection to the church and sparking conversations.

3.       Plantable Seed Paper: Provide members with seed paper bookmarks or cards that they can plant to grow flowers or herbs. It's a personal and tangible reminder of growth and renewal.

4.       Cozy Blankets or Throws: Imagine wrapping yourself in warmth and a sense of community. Customized blankets or throws with the church's logo or a meaningful quote can be cherished for years, and may be especially appropriate for churches still leaning into Zoom worship, connecting home-bound worshipers with their church community.  

5.       Notebooks or Journals: A beautiful notebook or journal with inspirational quotes, scripture passages, or space for reflection can be a thoughtful swag item. Members can use them during church services, Bible study, or for personal reflection.

6.       Candle Sets: Offer a set of small candles in various colors, each representing a different aspect of the church's values – like love, justice, peace, and hope. This swag can be used during home worship, personal reflections or group activities.

Remember, the key is to create swag that aligns with the church's values and resonates with its community. Practicality, comfort, and a touch of spirituality are all great elements to consider when selecting swag that people will truly enjoy. It should serve as a reminder of the community's principles and foster a sense of unity and shared purpose.


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