Banners & Signage


Outdoor banners can be used to communicate a church’s identity, beliefs, programs, and schedule to passersby.

Consider: Welcome Banners, Event Promotion Banners (particularly those that might appeal outside of your existing attendees, like holiday services, Easter egg hunts, Vacation Bible School (VBS), etc.), Seasonal Banners, Community Outreach Banners to promote community outreach initiatives such as food drives, clothing donations, blood drives, or free clinics), Directional Banners, or banners for special celebrations, like anniversaries of the church's founding or the pastor's service.

When using outdoor banners, it's essential to consider the weather-resistant materials and printing methods to ensure they withstand outdoor conditions, such as rain and sun exposure — and remember to check on their status/quality throughout the year. Local regulations and permits may apply to the installation of outdoor signage, so be sure to check with local authorities if necessary.

For outdoor banners, check out A full color 3x8 banner is only $29.


For indoor banners and posters, have you considered purchasing a wide-format printer? Including the cost of paper, supplies, and maintenance, you can print a 3x8 indoor paper banner for $20. At Kinko's/FedEx, the cost of a 3x8 paper banner is $139. How's that for some savings by doing it on your own? There are a wide range of wide-format printers on the market. A high-quality new HP wide format printer will run you $3500, but you can also find them refurbished online for as low as $1500. If you buy new, for example, you only have to print 30 posters at your cost to make up the difference between printing in-house vs. printing at Kinko's/FedEx.



Forward Movement is now an official partner for Episcopal Church street signs. Signs are made of heavy-duty aluminum and come with a limited 10-year warranty. Get started at

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