Church Communications Video Series
This video series is a tool for a small team, a vestry/bishop's committee, or an individual to have a guided conversation about communications in their own church context. This series breaks out some of the components of the Caffeinated Church Conference into an easy-to-utilize workshop that can be done on a Sunday morning as a formation exercise, or at a meeting, or simply at home. Total workshop time is roughly 2 hours.
Communications Strategy and Communicating Your Vision
Social Media
The Communicator’s Prayer
Holy Spirit, you blessed the first disciples with the power to spread God’s love throughout the world. Give us a new power to proclaim your word through our own unique gifts and through the channels of clear communication. Make us willing to receive that word as it enters our daily lives. Bless all who use their talents in the field of communications. Guide those who send out the message and those who receive it, so that all people may come to know your truth and be renewed by your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
(from the National Catholic Communications Office, Diocese of Richmond, VA)
Video 2: What is Your Brand?
Time: 10:25 video + 10:00 exercise with worksheet
Worksheet: Branding
Video 3: Communicating Church Vision
Time: 18:51 video + 20:00 exercise with worksheet
Worksheet: Engagement Funnel
Video 4: Websites
Time: 8:51 video + 10:00 exercise with worksheet
Worksheet: 4 Things Visitors Look for on Your Church Website
Video 6: Social Media
Time: 9:47 video
Worksheets: Communications Policy & Media Policy
Thanks for Watching!
Again, please share how these video tutorials might be improved or how they were used to initiate conversations about communications in your church. The goal of Caffeinated Church is to provide the best resources possible to the Church and that can only happen with your feedback and collaboration. I can be reached at or at 303.837.1173.
Blessings in your work,
Mike Orr
Canon for Communications & Evangelism
The Episcopal Church in Colorado